Soup 4 The Soul
Silent Auction
Bodega at Coventry
Item Description
$100 Gift Certificate to Bodega-Coventry
Serving Moroccan, Mediterranean, Italian, and French cuisine and specialties.
Bodega restaurant & lounge offers something for everyone. Drinking and dining can be enjoyed in one of our three settings: traditional tables, relaxing lounge or our beautiful white granite bar.
Live Event Information
Fundraising Event: Virtual Silent Auction
When: February 7 - March 6, 2023
Where: 32 Auctions
Time: 10AM Launch
This amazing event will raise funds for the continuation of in-school and after-school k-12 educational supports, tutoring, summer programming, and other community engagement opportunities for youth in the Fairfax area. Strengthening Our Students (SOS) is a dedicated community resource that provides outreach and education to our world leaders of tomorrow.
Pickup/Shipping Instructions
Items can be picked up at the SOS Learning Lab at 7901 Quincy Avenue.
Specific information will be given at the time of purchase as well as the days and hours for pick up. Shipping instructions may be available, however successful bidder is responsible for picking up their bid items and will assume the cost for shipping.